The Need

2016 Status of Oregon Children based on the Children First for Oregon 2016 Databook:

Clackamas County Specific
17,655 children and families received food stamps
10,896 youth lived in childhood poverty
3,628 children were uninsured
2,034 children and families received cash assistance
1,258 students were homeless
642 children in foster care
34 youth aged out of foster care

Multnomah County Specific
50,700 children and families received food stamps
34,845 youth lived in childhood poverty
11,660 children and families received cash assistance
5,887 children were uninsured
4,059 students were homeless
2,131 children were in foster care
104 youth aged out of foster care


BB4Kids uses your cash donations to fulfill specific needs and requests of foster and disadvantaged children involved in any of our programs.


Tuesday Evening Bingo

Bingo every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays starting at 5:45 at Happy Valley Station Food Carts.

Click here for costs and details.

For information about Happy Valley Station Food Carts Click here.


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