In Memory of Todd Shaw


Todd Shaw was a husband, father, friend, coach and a 25 year Oregon City Community Member. Todd's love for family, sports and coaching was embedded into his large presence and dynamic personality. As a former NCAA football player at Washington State University, Todd moved to Oregon City in 1998. Over the years, Todd coached football at several places. It was in Oregon City where he truly made his youth coaching mark. Todd coached his own children in several sports as well as other teams throughout the years. His heart for coaching youth was gigantic and he wanted nothing more than for kids to learn, grow and love the sport they were playing. From softball, to basketball, to football, Todd made every player feel important and had a balanced coaching style that was respected across the Oregon City Sports Community. He knew how to connect with kids and never wanted to see a kid miss an opportunity to play a sport.

Todd Shaw unexpectedly passed away February 14, 2023. Todd is survived by his wife Denise, his daughter Taylor, and his son Joey. That day, Oregon City lost a pillar of the community and a legend in the youth sports arena. The family has chosen to honor his commitment to youth sports, coaching and helping his community by creating an opportunity to donate to Building Blocks 4 Kids in his name and memory. The funds donated will be available to Oregon City Youth Sports Organizations to access for scholarships. Todd opened his wallet more than anyone will ever know to make sure young athletes had the opportunity to play their sport. Denise, Taylor and Joey want to continue his legacy by establishing this opportunity to support Oregon City youth. The family has partnered with Building Blocks For Kids (BB4Kids) to establish a place where people can donate in memory of Todd Shaw. The funds donated in his memory will benefit Oregon City youth. Thank you to BB4Kids for their support.

The Shaw's greatly appreciate all the support they have received. They look forward to giving back to Oregon City Youth and their families.

Thank you for your willingness to help support Oregon City Youth Sports scholarships and for honoring Todd Shaw. He would be proud beyond measure. Go Pioneers!

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2. Note: PayPal will show "Building Blocks for Kids" as that is who will be receiving the memorial gift. The email that PayPal sends you will show the "Gift in Memory of Todd Shaw" as the transaction description.

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